
Interesting. Yes the whole football spectacle does seem also to be about males loving one another

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Better than loving ugly feminist cunts like you.

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You are mentally ill. Seek help you utter lunatic.

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This is the kind of writing that makes people think feminists are irrationally angry and paranoid.

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They are.

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Nah. Not all of us. You’re thinking of the monstrosity that is “academic feminism.” I understand the confusion, but don’t confuse the enormous egos of narcissistic young women from money with the struggle to free women from subjugation. Feminism was never supposed to be a supremacist movement, and the rational feminists are currently working to stop these excesses.

I mean, think whatever you want. If you want to be closer to the truth, recognizing that “not all feminists” are assholes is a more subtle understanding. Not that I even expect you to accept it; this is for other readers. You’ve already decided, haven’t you?

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You may be right regarding the sublimation of male aggression in football and other mostly male games; however, I see it primarily as a sublimation of male homosexuality. The fanny patting, the drinking afterwards, the intensity all speak to me of desire. I believe it is the thwarting of desire which fuels the fire of male rage.

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The planet existed for billions of years before humans and will continue to revolve around the sun, probably supporting life which will continue to evolve long after humans are extinct. The planet can’t be saved by humans, anyway - the hubris of that is breathtaking in its narcissism. What you mean is save humanity before we make our home uninhabitable for the species. And really, given all you say about males and the wars, holocaust and suffering of people who cause such harm both actively and passively- men and women, who aren’t ever going to escape their natural human condition- would that be such a bad thing? Perhaps our time on earth is coming to a close. It will always be a minuscule point in time, not meaning anything.

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I don't believe there is any desire to save the planet among humans as a whole. If you listen to Catherine Austin Fitts and her experience of the red button you will see where I'm coming from on this. Also, I just listened to Derrick Jensen the other day and heard him say pretty much the same thing, i.e., that when he poses the question to people about changing their lifestyle, they overwhelming agree that they will not. I in no way mean by this that we should stop trying to change people's thinking re protecting our earth (I'm not convinced it will survive).

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