Thanks Jo. This is great.

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A fantastic overview. Every woman should read this. Oops, I forgot, the trinity controls all communication channels so most women won't even see this.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Jo Brew

important to remind us that we have no haven in any patriarchal camp. in the end it is about control of us. they are parasitic whatever clothing they wear, and they are master slight of hand artists.

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Great essay. This is one of the reasons why I cringe when feminists delight in Matt Walsh. So what he's against trans ideology, he's also a foe of feminism, radical or not. Being a foe of feminism means a he's a foe of women. This quote from your essay sums it best "The men are not fighting to overthrow patriarchy. They are arguing about how best to run patriarchy."

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May 26, 2023Liked by Jo Brew

The religious context of patriarchal control is very apt and applies to nearly all religions - it was analysed in the book the Creation of Patriarchy by Gerda Lerner - In todays context of gender ideology which is promoted as an unquestionable religious cult as Jo shows it is even more relevant

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I really enjoyed reading this and it is a very creative way to view what's going on. I feel power struggles happen between women too and between men. Men not only fight for power over women, but power over everything and everyone. It is a ridiculous losing war they wage everyday to rule the world instead of ruling themselves. I tend to disagree with the view on HRT as it is what I'm on and it helps me manage emotions, behaviour, and hot flushes at the moment. But I might be one of those women not to be counted who is struggling with her perimenopause. I don't know how it'll be in full fledged menopause.

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Wonderful insights.

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Agreed and well said! The concept of the Christian Trinity was stolen from women- It can never be the Father, the Son, and the in-living spirit which is a non-male but not quite female ghost. The Trinity for all time is all female, the Crone, the Mother, and the Maiden are the three aspects of life through the generations. The Grandmother, the Mother and the Girl are how life survives. It is life giving birth to itself. Males cannot conceptualize this and create death cults like Capitalism as a mockery to life itself. Males are thieves - every advance has been an idea stolen from women or based on how women communicate to achieve survival. The Unholy Trinity you describe tears down women's ability to function and the earth itself suffers. All of the goodies that women provide are not given value in misogynistic economies which enables males to hoard the earth's resources in order to subjugate women. For example, Oxfam withheld food from girls in order to force them into unwanted sex.

Women now have the technology (created from ideas stolen from women) to create our own currency, economic system and a world wide women's governing system based on "Women's Work" which is the only essential work being done, without which the human species will become extinct. "Women's Work" is not included in any male economy, but without which there can be no male economies, religions or governments. Monetizing women's work at home, as volunteers, or in underpaid care and service jobs and restricting it to women-only usage will enable women to continue to do the necessary work of species survival.

A few years ago I realized this was technically possible, but it wasn't on anyone's radar, so I wrote a romance novel (since women use them to communicate difficult concepts and males don't read what they disparagingly call "chick lit"). What was technically possible in 2012 is even more easily accomplished today. I suspect that if AI were given directions to eliminate unnecessary suffering that its logic would align with that of the Radical Feminists.

Here is a link to that novel:

What would a World Wide Women’s Revolution look like?

Catch! is a history of the future that tells of an economic realignment during the week when women around the world said, “Enough is Enough” and created their own world-wide system of currency.

Set during a Costume Convention, Catch! features a romance between a hunky Men’s Rights Activist and a Radical Feminist Fashionista and their struggles with trauma, internalized misogyny, lust, love, and friendship as she participates in, and he observes, a species-wide recalibration of human culture.

Catch! is available for free on Apple Books:


Flash Fiction updates and details to the story are on


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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

Whatever normal men means. I agree that men are in power and your God is viewed as a man. That doesn't mean I want to trade places either, but you thought I felt envy because of that. I don't believe in any battle unlike you who said war is necessary at times. Another one of your numerous cognitive disonances. The entitlement and arrogance of "most men being gentlemen who deserve the benefit of the doubt"! Metaphysical and phylosophical questions have always been there a long time before Judaism and the bible existed. Educational and morality which were wrong for the most part and killed and tortured many human beings in the name of your invisible friend. Who cares about pretty hair?

Socialism is acknowledging some men exploit everyone around them and wishing to overturn the power of a few to the power of the majority. Then Stalin turned everything fascism and from them on it hasn't changed. It's not envy of wealth. It's wanting to be treated like a human being and being compensated as much for my energy and service to others as the king and ceos. Why is their energy compensated and valued more than mine? It's not envy. It's justice.

Greed is also a sin in your book, but you don't mention it.

Male CEO's being paid more than female midwives who might have been the ones who helped their mothers bringing them into this world safely is just outrageous. I can't feel envy when I'm not a mother or a midwife. But you might be projecting your own emotions on me.

When have I mentioned a heavenly reboot? What are you talking about?

Tell me which war has not killed innocent people. You live in such a world of illusion. It is unbelievable. The law and heroes welcomes are part of the lies men tell themselves and their ridiculous worldview.

The promise of a future makes no man try to actually work towards peace and leave their stupid urge to rule the world and loot it for their own benefit.

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Great debate. Here's another take. https://youtu.be/rIQI3mZQN0Q

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