Gender Ideology is a Political Attack on Radical Feminism
Radical feminists are the sex war’s miners – the strongest, best organised, toughest fighters in our class. That's why the sex war's newest ideology labels us public enemy number one.
Many causes of gender ideology have been identified: Autogynophilia, fetishism, big pharma’s profits, mediocre male’s desire to win prize money and scholarships, men’s desire to penetrate female bodies and spaces, girl’s will to avoid becoming women and escape the strictures imposed by patriarchal femininity. Others says gender identity ideology is an attack on reality, rationality, science, freedom. Some say the powers that be want to soften the population up for worse assaults because if you believe that a man can become a woman, you'll believe anything.
All of these analyses are correct in my opinion but I think it’s best to consider gender ideology as a political attack on radical feminism. You can watch a video of this talk here - from Wed 31st July 2024:
Firstly, Radical Feminism is the number one named enemy. Trans Rights Activists (TRAs) name us directly as a key enemy. TERF (trans exclusionary radical feminist) is the term used by trans rights activists to describe their enemy. Whether the enemy is a feminist or a radical feminist she (or even he) will be labelled a TERF. Trans rights activists don’t picket Marks and Spencer (a UK clothing store) for having regressive male and female clothing sections, they’re not demonstrating outside the Olympics, or any sporting events, for having male and female categories. They pick on women with radical feminist views to attack and to shut down. Most notably, Kellie-Jay Keen’s Let Women Speak rallies.
Secondly, gender ideology undermines the sex class struggle. At the core of radical feminist analysis is the understanding that females are a sex class that is exploited and dominated by males. The ability of the male class to subjugate females was reduced by radical feminism in recent years. This is a sex class struggle and our liberation ideology is radical feminism. We were making gains, and the patriarchs know that if they break the radical feminists, they can break the rest of the women’s movement. We have the clearest political understanding of women’s class oppression and the clearest methods of fighting back – women only working, political lesbianism, consciousness raising and many other methods that we have developed as radical feminists.
A central part of the Thatcherite political project in the 1980’s was to break the miners in Britain, the strongest force of the organised working class. Radical feminists are the sex war’s miners – the strongest, best organised, toughest fighters in our class. Like that great miner’s strike in the 1980’s we radical feminists are part of a wide class struggle fought on many fronts by our sex class. The attack on us shows an understanding that we are an incredibly strong part of the struggle.
Thirdly, gender ideology causes consciousness reduction.
Some assaults on women are direct physical attacks with the aim of making females compliant to patriarchy. For instance, a woman who leaves the Christian Church could be ostracised or physically attacked or cut off or assaulted for leaving. This could make her rejoin and would act as a warning to other women. The lesson for the woman is that she can stay alive and possibly have a reasonably comfortable life as long as she remains in the patriarchal orbit.
The threat posed by radical feminism is the suggestion to move outside the so-called shelter of patriarchy into metapatriarchal space, outside patriarchy.
In this ideological, political war, ideas count. The idea that you might move outside patriarchy is useful. Consciousness raising groups suggested to many women the possibility of leaving their violent husband, becoming lesbian, living separately or being women centred.
Fourth, gender ideology acts in opposition to this feminist knowledge as a form of consciousness reduction. It reduces women's consciousness, our understanding, our ability to see our own oppression. It makes it taboo to say that women are oppressed by men. We see that in widespread actions of men demanding that women not talk about the oppression related to our bodies. They personalise it, saying, “I feel triggered, or sad” and the surrounding supporters of patriarchy politicise it, expand it and demand new social norms that prioritise personal men’s feelings over women’s political liberation.
Fifthly, gender ideology means men can speak for women. A massive point is that radical feminists established that women should speak for ourselves. We also established a class understanding and class solidarity. When a woman gets into a position to speak, other women feel it. Even if we didn’t like Margaret Thatcher’s politics, at least she was a woman, and that meant something. We know women are linked via our common sex-class oppression. Gender ideology means men can speak for women again. Men are being appointed as women to speak for women and this is a huge gain for men and for patriarchy, because, for instance, they can say that women love anal sex, get physical pleasure from anal sex or indeed anything that suits the male sex class.
The big four radical feminist issues are prostitution, pornography, surrogacy and violence against women. Gender ideology lines up in direct opposition to radical feminism on the big four. This indicates that this ideology is a direct attack on radical feminism.
Sixth, gender ideology boosts rate of profit. Sometimes it’s monetised profit (porn, prostitution, surrogacy, drugs sold, surgeries performed) but sometimes it’s sex class profit – the amount of unpaid labour a woman will do for male. You could say that they just like the rate of profit might be 2% on investment. Capital can grow. There are good opportunities for investors. People who make a profit from Amazonian deforestation will turn a blind eye to the devastation. In a similar way, males make profit from females. But this profit is not just money: it's sex, it’s status, it’s free labour and control, it’s non-monetized goods and it's them having all the political power or most of it, it’s them being the speakers, being the artists, being the comedians, them having the stage. Gender ideology gets rid of the competition.
Gender ideology is sex class structural adjustment of the world economy. It's a large-scale restructuring of society, economies, laws and institutions which build and rebuild society. Where structural adjustment in the 1980s transformed economies and societies from state controlled to market led, opening market freedoms and opportunities for new forms of economic exploitation, increasing the rate of profits, increasing the ability to suck added value from people and the environment and nature, this is it global attack on women and opens up opportunities. It removes protections that societies and the state and institutions had afforded to women. It removes them in the same way that when the Iron Curtain was removed, states all over the world were no longer to be able to protect their industries, communities, countryside, forests because everything became open to exploitation. Not that I support everything that happened behind the Iron Curtain, but there were some protections against the ravages of capitalism. This sexual structural adjustment breaks down the Radical Feminist Wall, the Feminist Fence, which had established some barriers to sexual exploitation.
So, men now have more opportunities to exploit and get stuff that they value from females. Some of these were prevented by radical feminism - for instance the ability of men to pay to rape women in prostitution. This men’s sexual exploitation had been under threat mostly from radical feminists - SWERFs (sex worker exclusionary radical feminists) - note the RF radical feminists again. Added to this is a new term SERF – surrogacy exclusionary radical feminist. Note they don’t attack TELFs or TESFs or TEPMFs (trans exclusionary liberal feminists, or socialist feminists, or post-modernist feminists). Admittedly they don’t role off the tongue as easily either.
In direct contrast to the suffragettes, who got a foot in the door, got women a say, radical feminists are now getting shown out by the back door being excluded from society decision making at every level and are being vilified as well. It’s like the witches, vilified for being healers and said to be allied with the devil. We are in the middle of the expulsion of the TERFs. We've seen the expulsion of the TERFs from most institutions and many workplaces. Also, we are seeing the expulsion of radical feminism from women’s consciousness. We are not being expelled from a country because as women we have no country. We are being expelled from public life and that suits the male sex class very well. Radical feminism is becoming taboo. Radical feminism is “the idea that must not be named”.
TRAs and tralaborators (TRA collaborators) are ensuring that it is not just the people, it’s the ideas that are being expelled. There is a vilification of radical feminist ideas, punishment of women holding those views. I have found in recent years that it's becoming more and more socially unacceptable to mention even feminism in polite society. In my family and workplace, people tolerate me as long as I don't mention the taboo topic. It's like going to a tea party with your cousins and ageing aunts and somebody asking what you are going do this weekend and me responding “I'm going to spend the whole afternoon watching porn”. Telling them I regularly do radical feminism is beyond the pale. People look nervous, sick, worried for me and my faux pas. They quickly change the topic. If radical feminism is unacceptable conversation, it moves further into the shadows.
Gender ideology has brought up a lot of questions about what it means to be a woman. We know that we're linked, and the personal is political. When a woman is assaulted in a dark alley, radical feminists have said that she's being assaulted, not because she is an individual, say Jo. She's assaulted because she is a woman, because she belongs to the sex class. It's a form of terrorism against women. Once we understood that the assaults on us are not personal, but political, we became more fully linked to all females. This understanding is fragmented by gender ideology. Gender ideology is the privatization of feminism. They are selling it off to the highest bidder and in this case it’s big pharma and state financed pimps, paedophiles and fetishists. Instead of knowing we are part of a big movement of women, we're being told that we're private individuals with opportunity equal to everyone else. Gender identity tells us there's no such thing as female society. We're just feminine individuals. Gender ideology lets a man who represents all men into women's organizations but demands that we don't acknowledge his sex class.
Gender identity ideology is illogical nonsense, but that has not stopped states, institutions, businesses, media outlets adopting and supporting it. They’ve chosen to do it because it does something it doesn’t say on the tin. Gender ideology purports to be progressive but its impact is to push women onto the backfoot and re-open opportunities for males to dominate and exploit us. The useful thing about transgender ideology for the male sex class is that it dissimulates, it hides, what they're up to, their real intentions. They can look progressive and say that they are supporting the poor long-suffering gay men. They can even take on the virtuous line of saying they're breaking down gender stereotypes, but the true effect of their action is just the opposite - to reinforce sex role stereotypes and at the same time to silence and disempower women, allow more access to female bodies, more exploitation of women, more silence from women, more jobs for themselves, and to get rid of those pesky radical feminists. Radical feminists have long been a threat to the patriarchy because we don’t just want safe toilets, we want to overthrow the whole system. The whole thing. And that’s why we are enemy number one of gender ideologues.
Right? I've been saying that it's not a "depopulation agenda", or a "satanist/castration cult", or "reality denial" for years. I swear some GC will believe in aliens before they believe that men actually on the whole exploit and hate women. So many years have passed and they're still competing in who makes up the most wacky and shocking theory instead of seeing what's in front of them, an anti-feminist backlash, whose top priorities are male supervision, male access and male control; destruction of the female liberation from within and without.